How to Enter a Modifier Amount at the Time of Use

To enter the amount of a Modifier at the time of use, begin by pressing the Orders button on the Home Screen. Select an Item and add the it to the order, then select the Item in the Cart. Next, press the Modifiers tab located at the top of the screen. This will display the Modifiers available for the Item. On the Modifiers screen locate and select the modifier you have enabled the option to have the price entered at the time of use.

After the modifier is selected an Adjust Price pop-up will appear and prompt you to manually enter a price for the modifier. Once you have entered the Modifier's price press the Done button to add the Modifier or press the Cancel button to return to the Modifier Selection screen.

When finished press the Done button at the top of the page to continue with the order. The Modifier and its price will be display in the Receipt Viewer just under the Item that was added to the cart.

Step by Step Summary

  1. Press the Orders button on the Home Screen
  2. Add an Item to the Cart
  3. Select the Item in the Cart
  4. Press the Modifier's Tab
  5. Locate the Modifier that has the enter amount at time of use option enabled
  6. Enter a Price for the Modifier
  7. Press the Done button to add the Modifier
  8. Or press the Cancel button to return to the Modifier selection screen
  9. Press the Done button at the top of the page to continue with the current order