Open Orders

The Open Orders Tab helps you manage Orders that have been put on hold by enabling you to view Order information and take actions on Held Orders. Orders can be put on hold for a variety of reasons. For example, if your business is a table service restaurant, you may wish to enter an Order into Vital Select and place it on hold while your guests are in the process of dining. If your business accepts Orders for future fulfillment, you may wish to take an Order and hold it until the agreed upon pickup time arrives. The Open Orders Tab is organized into four screens: My Orders, All Orders, Order Ahead, and Unsent Items.

My Orders and All Orders

When an Order is placed on Hold it will then be moved to the Open Orders Tab in the Orders section of the Vital Select app. To view the Held Order, select either the My Orders tab or the All Orders tab located on the left side of the screen.

The My Orders tab will display only Held Orders that are specific to the current user logged in the POS.

The All Orders tab will display all orders that are currently placed on Hold regardless of who was assigned to the order or where the order originated.

  • To view more information about Held Orders click here.

Unsent Items

The Unsent Items tab displays Orders containing Items that have not yet been sent to a preconfigured Station Printer. This tab allows you to view these Orders separately and for individual orders to manually be sent to the preassigned Station Printers.

Receipt Viewer

Pressing on a Held Order Tile will cause the Receipt Viewer to display a summary of the Held Order and provide options for actions you can take with regards to the Held Order. The Receipt Viewer will include information about the Items in the Order, tax information, discount information, and the Order Total that is due.

  • To learn more about the Receipt Viewer for Held Orders click here.

Action Buttons

Action Buttons that are available for Held Orders are displayed above and below the Receipt Viewer in the Open Orders tab of the Orders section in the Vital Select app.

  • To learn more about Action Buttons for Held Orders click here.