How to Delete a Shift

To Delete a Shift, begin by selecting Shifts on the left side of the Timeclock Navigation Menu. On the Shifts page, locate the employee you want to delete a shift for, and then select the Timesheet button, on the left side of the employee's name. This will direct you to the Timesheet page for that employee.

On the Timesheet page, locate the shift you would like to edit, and then select the dropdown arrow on the left side of the shift. This will cause the information to be expanded for that particular shift. Once expanded, select the Delete button located on the bottom right side of the expanded shift.

A pop-up will appear asking if you are sure you would like to delete the Shift. You choose to select OK then the shift will be permanently deleted from the employees Timesheet record. If you choose to select Cancel, you be directed back to the Timesheet page.

Step by Step Summary

  1. Select Shifts on the left side of the Timeclock Navigation Menu.
  2. Locate the employee you want to delete a shift for, and then select the Timesheet button.
  3. Locate the shift you choose to delete and expand the shift.
  4. Select the Delete button.
  5. Choose OK to delete the shift or Cancel to return to the Timesheet page.