Timeclock Dashboard

When you select the Timeclock Button from the Merchant Portal Home Screen, you are automatically directed to the Timeclock Dashboard Page. This page contains four Metric Panels and the Timeclock Summary Table to provide you with an array of information about employee activity at your business. If you are a multi-unit operator, you will see an overview of all your Locations on this page; however, by utilizing the Location Drop Down Menu you may select an individual Location to see data regarding solely that Location. Single-unit operators will see data about their one Location.

This information will automatically display based on what’s happening at your business for the current day/time.

Metrics Panels

Staff Panel:

The number in the center of the panel is the total number of Users with recorded shifts for the current day. The number at the bottom of the panel is the total number of recorded shifts for the current day.

Hours Panel:

The number in the center of the panel is the total number of paid hours for the current day. The number at the bottom of the panel is the total number of overtime hours for the current day.

Breaks Panel:

The number in the center of the panel is the total number of break hours taken by employees for the current day. The number at the bottom of the panel is number of shifts that do not have a recorded break for the current day.

Est. Wages Panel:

The number in the center of the panel is the sum total of wages for shifts recorded during the selected date range (including overtime wages) for the current day. The number at the bottom of the panel shows wages as a percent of net sales for the current day.

Single Unit Operator Summary

The Single Unit Operator view of the Summary Table provides a list of all Users that have clocked in at least once during the current day. For each of these users, the list will display the following information:

User Name:

Each User’s full first and last name.


There are three available statuses for the status column

  • Clocked Out: The User Clocked In, worked his/her shift, and Clocked Out when his/her shift was over. This User is no longer working a shift.
  • Clocked In: The User has Clocked In and is currently working a shift.
  • On Break: The User has Clocked In, but is currently on a break from his/her shift. They have not Clocked Out for the day and will likely return from his/her break and go back to Clocked In Status.

Clock Hours:

The sum total of paid hours recorded for each User within a shift recorded for the current day.

Break Hours:

The sum total of hours recorded for unpaid breaks for each User within a shift recorded for the current day.

Total Hours:

The sum total of all recorded paid hours and unpaid break periods occurring within shifts recorded for the current day.

Est. Wages:

The sum total of all wages for all recorded shifts for the current day.

Multi-Unit Operator Summary

The Multi-Unit Table Summary view provides a list of all Locations associated with your business. For each of these Locations, the list will display the following information:


Each Location’s Name


The sum total of Users associated with each Location that have clocked in at least once within the current day.

Clock Hours:

The sum total of paid hours recorded for all Users with a shift recorded for the current day.

On Break Hours:

The sum of break hours for each location up to the time the page is loaded on the current day.

Total Hours:

The sum total of all paid hours and unpaid break hours for a Location for the current day.

Est. Wages:

The sum total of all wages for all recorded shifts for the current day.


If a Multi-Unit Operator selects a Location from the Location Drop Down Menu, the Timeclock Table Summary will change to the Single-Unit Operator View, providing details about Users’ shifts at that specific Location.