How to Edit an Item Alert Message

To edit an Item Alert Message start by selecting Items on the left side of the Navigation Menu, and then choose Item Alert Messages under the listings. On the Item Alert Messages page select the item you want to edit and click the Edit Button represented by a Pencil Icon on the left side of the Alert Message name. You will then be directed to the Edit Message page.

On the Edit Message page you can make any necessary changes to the Alert Message. To change what the Alert Message displays, edit the information in the Message field. To change the Message Type or Validation Type, click the arrow to the right of the relevant field and select an option from the dropdown menu. Editing the information in the Validation Value field option box can change the Validation Value. To edit whether or not an item requires any input, select or deselect the checkbox to the left side of the Input Required option. Select the Save button at the bottom right side of the screen to save any changes made.


To cancel this process at any time, select the Done button at the bottom right side of the screen to return to the Item Alert Message page.

Step by Step Summary

  1. Select Items on the left side of the Navigation Menu, and then choose Item Alert Messages under the listings.
  2. Select the Alert Message you choose to edit by clicking the edit button represented by a pencil on the left side of the Alert Message name.
  3. Edit any information you choose to change.
  4. Select the Save button on the bottom right side of the page.